A Protein Packed Breakfast
Are you still looking for ideas for what to make Dad for his Father's Day breakfast?
This protein packed breakfast is both delicious and is absolutely packed full of protein.
If you love waffles or pancakes, but hate how dense they are with little to know nutrients you are going to want to try Kodiak Cakes. Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes are both delicious and FULL of protein.
I like to make waffles with my Kodiak Cake Power Cakes mix, but sometimes I like to make it a little more than just a waffle with some butter and syrup.
I made a waffle sandwich that included bacon, spinach, a fried egg, and a couple of slices of tomato. I wish I would have had some avocado to add as well, but this was a healthy spin to a plain old waffle.

Of course, I also had to make a regular protein packed waffle with some butter and syrup as well.