Christmas Goodies and Don't Forget Cookies for Santa

Growing up every year we used to bake and bake and bake. I used to look forward to my dad being home and all of us baking the same traditional goodies. This year has been really hard with Christmas for me. Just the feeling of Christmas isn't there, and I don't mean the religious aspect. I'm talking about all the traditional things that I once did, now are just in the past. I think being in this stage where Logan and I are we can make our own traditions, but we don't have children yet so we are in kind of an in between stage in our lives.
One day a few weeks ago though I decided that when Logan and I went to my parent's home for Christmas that we would be baking all of those traditional goodies and that I was going to get in the Christmas spirit and now let Christmas feel like a let down this year. I also decided to start a tradition of having a baking day of my own where I make treats that are to be given to friends, family, and colleagues. I wanted to share with you all some of my new traditional goodies and some oldie but goodies that I made as well.
Mine did not look very good, but they tasted amazing! Who can really mess up something with Oreos in it though?!
These were something new that I added and I am so glad that I did! They are so yummy, especially if you're a chocoholic like myself.
This was another new recipe that I tried. It is very rich, but you cannot miss out on this salty and sweet treat!
This is a holiday treat that my mom made all while I was growing up and of course I had to carry on the tradition. If you have not tried this in some form or another, you are missing out! We leave out the nuts, due to allergies, but otherwise follow the recipe to a tee.
Santa loved these cookies at my house, so much that he never disappointed!
This is another recipe that my dad made all while I was growing up, and these were way too good not to carry on the tradition as well. You can also find this recipe on some packs of Nestle Toll House semi-sweet chips. For this recipe I use the exact recipe with one exception. Instead of the chopped nuts, I use one cup of butterscotch chips. Now you may think that does not sound good, but don't knock it until you try it! The butterscotch helps to bring out the flavor in the chocolate and just adds a great taste to the cookie.

Christmas is a time of giving, and often times I feel that can be forgotten with all of the other things going on this time of year. I love to prepare tins of these baked goodies to give to people. It may be something small, but you would be surprised how much it can brighten their day. Maybe there's one friend you forgot to get a gift for, or a neighbor that you want to give something to last minute. All of these recipes are very easy to make if you just follow the steps OR maybe you just want something sweet to snack on, that's okay too.