
I have been thinking about the idea of choosing a word for the year. Honestly I never realized people did this until this year and of course and first I was all, "No way, I'm gonna be different." BUT I was really reflecting on it last week and I decided to dive in and pick a word. And as you may have guessed from the title of this post, my word is self.
Now before you jump to conclusions, I am not choosing the word self in its pure form, but rather using it as my root word for a plethora of other words.
So here's what I mean. This year to me is all about transformation, growth, and discovery. But I didn't want to settle on just one of those words, so out of that came self.
From the word self I am wanting to focus on these words:
Self love
Self care
I chose selfless, because I am the type of person who sometimes "accidentally" makes an event revolve around them. Yep, that's right I said it. Sometimes I like to be the center of attention, but this year I want to hon in on when I do that and why. And with that I want to work on being more selfless.
You may be thinking why would she choose opposite words. WELL I will tell ya why. I am the type of person also who takes care of EVERYONE and sometimes taking care of everyone means I am not taking care of myself. So this year I want to be selfish in the way that I take care of myself to make sure I am happy and healthy and I don't want to lose sight of that. This is not to say I am no longer taking care of anyone else, because honestly I cannot imagine a world in which I would ever be happy with that. But it is to say that I am going to also make time for myself and not push myself as hard for everyone else. Plus, Logan would die if I didn't take care of him, let's be real.
Self love:
I chose this word to come off of self, because I am my biggest critic and sometimes so much of a critic that it can be bad for myself. I have dealt with self doubt a lot and not loving who I am and thinking I am not good enough. I have had ENOUGH! This year I am praising myself for my accomplishments and how I look. I am one good looking woman and I honestly could care less who thinks otherwise. AND I deserve to be proud of myself and should be my own biggest fan.
Self care:
I chose this word because I was to the point in my life multiple times, honestly, where I was taking care of others and not myself. 2019 I am focusing on caring for myself and making sure I am healthy and happy.
I have been loving hearing everyone's words they have chosen for the year, I would LOVE to hear what yours is!