Why I Deleted My Instagram

So I'm not sure how many of you that may follow me on Facebook follow my Instagram, BUT I have decided to disable my account.
And here is why, as a 20-something year old woman in this world it is so hard to not compare myself to others. And honestly it was that way before I was a 20-something. I have really been reflecting on they why's, as in why I let myself compare my completely different life to others. And honestly it came back to me scrolling through Instagram and other people's highlight reels.
And yes, I know I can control comparing myself to other's that was not the entire reason. I have found myself spending more time being on my phone than spending time with my fur babies and my husband. So while we were on family vacation I decided to delete all social media for the week. And at the conclusion of vacation I decided Instagram was going to be gone for good.
We live in a world of technology and the internet and I am using this as a time for myself and my family. I still want to have a voice and share with others on the internet, I just am not going to be using one social media platform to do so anymore.

I am planning to use the time that I would normally spend scrolling through Instagram on reading, writing more content for my blog, and just taking better care of myself and my family. Deleting Instagram may not be for everyone and I get that, but I really encourage you to try and have a day of the week where you just focus on real-life and not what everyone else is posting. For me it was very freeing and opened my mind and has shown me how much I have been missing out on.
One day I may decide to restart my Instagram, but for now I will stick to my blog and the occasional Facebook stalking. It's been almost four weeks and so far I cannot say that I even miss it.