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How I am Dealing with Coronavirus

Lindsey with 3 laptops, weights, water, and book in front of mirror

Hello friends, it has been quite awhile since I have posted anything! I kind of took a hiatus in the midst of everything I have been doing career-wise I just have not had the time to blog in all honesty.


Any who, I wanted to create a post about my thoughts on all of this craziness going on. (And if you're reading this expecting something like scientific, I can go ahead and tell you this ain't the place for you.) I am a social service worker, training to be a social worker and science is not my jam.


The past two weeks have been such a whirlwind that I honestly feel like I haven't even had time to think, and I am sure a good amount of you reading this would agree. But I also realize there are people on the other end of the spectrum that are bored out of their minds. And I have to say that I am with you all. I have been so busy, but I have also been stuck at home and just being at home makes me bored.


Also for all of you who have had a special event or moment in your life that has had to be postponed or cancelled, know that I am thinking and praying for each of you all. A big life event for me was postponed from this weekend and I don't think most of this stuff hit me until that moment.


I wanted to share some ways that I am helping myself with my anxiety and boredom during this time though. And just note that these things are working for me, but I cannot guarantee they will work for everyone. Trust me, if I had a cure for everyone's anxiety I would share that in a heart beat. So here's what I have been up to:

1. I have been working out - Now I am not saying this and meaning this is a time to become hardcore into fitness. Even just moving your body a little everyday is good for your anxiety.

2. Be outside - even if you are working try to make a space that you can work outside or even just take some breaks throughout the work day for some fresh air.

3. Spend some quality time with your loved ones - For me, this means setting my phone or computer down for a few hours and just talking to my husband. Or use technology to your advantage and Facetime your family who doesn't live with you.

4. Gardening - Sure, this goes along with being outside. But gardening for me means focusing on little details and it is honestly so therapeutic for me.

5. Drink plenty of water - This is helpful to me with my anxiety because it just makes me feel better in general.

6. Delete the Facebook App - I deleted the Facebook app on my phone. I caught myself reading too many things about what is going on and it was giving me panic attacks. I still get on once per day just to check on everything, but I limit my time. This has honestly been one of the best things for me.

7. Spend time meditating and praying - I have been spending a little more time in prayer each day and that helps me so much. Even if you don't believe in prayer or aren't religious just spend some time meditating or deep breathing.

8. Learn something new - So this is not one I have actually done yet, but I plan to make time for it next week. I am planning to use the power of Youtube and Pinterest to make homemade pasta. This is something that I have been wanting to do and now seems like as good a time as ever to try it out.

9. Do something that you have been putting off for awhile. For me, this was cleaning out a spare bedroom that we don't use except to put laundry when we don't feel like putting it away. (Yes, I know I have a problem.)


I hope one or even multiple of these things might be helpful to you. I would really love to hear what you all are doing with your time and things that are helping your anxiety as well. And know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need someone to talk to I am always here.


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