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8 Ways to Give During the Pandemic


Since the pandemic and the outbreak of COVID-19 started I have really been working on racking my brain about things that I can do myself to help others. I have gathered ideas from other people, I have come up with my own ideas, and I have honestly just googled some ideas. But I thought that it was important to share these ways with other people as well. So below you will find a list of little ways to help. And I want to make it very clear that I do understand that people are facing financial hardships through all of this, trust me I am working with it everyday at work. I hear you and I have included some smalls ways you can help without spending any money or just spending very little.


Ways to help or spread kindness in your area:

1. STAY HOME - This seems to be harder for some people more than others. And I get that it's hard. I love to always be on the go and for me this is so hard and I even still have to go out for work to take care of my families that are in our program. I get it, but think about other people. This is to help with flattening the curve that we have heard so much about, but it's also to help the most vulnerable to this virus as well.

2. Pray for healthcare workers, the most vulnerable, kids who are stuck at home, people who have lost their jobs, everyone in the world - I understand that not everyone is religious or believes in prayer and if you aren't just send some good vibes or whatever you may be into. At this time we could all use anything we can get.

3. Send a healthcare worker a coffee or a food gift card - This could be something as small as like $5. Just show your support.

4. Donate money or a meal to a homeless shelter or non-profit that helps the homeless. - While so much in the world has been put on hold, homelessness doesn't just cease to exist. And now more than ever people are going to need help. A small disclaimer on this one, I work for a non-profit called Family Promise of Bradley County. We help with homeless families and families on the verge of homelessness. One of our programs is a rental assistance program. Typically we have a waiting list of about 5 people for that program at a time. Well Friday alone I received 10 people wanting to be put on that waiting list. This is real y'all. This is happening in our world right now. Any non-profit can use your help, but think of the non-profits like Family Promise that are helping with keeping people in their houses and helping the homeless. Or food banks. Food banks are also being overwhelmed with calls for help right now as well.

5. Give to your church or a church - Churches are helping these non-profits. They are helping individuals and I can guarantee that their giving is down right now.

6. Support Small Businesses - Now I know this has been said a lot, but it is so true. I could not leave small businesses out of this blog post. You can support small businesses in so many ways. You can order takeout from restaurants, order clothes/goods online, or simply leave an awesome review, you can even tag them in pictures and help promote through older pictures you have.

7. Offer to help with groceries for someone who is in the most vulnerable category. - This can be any older person you know, someone with immune deficiency, really anyone in general that you feel could use the help.

8. Smile - This is the easiest thing you can do for yourself and someone else right now. Just smile. Smile at a stranger at a red light, smile at someone at the grocery store, smile at yourself in the mirror. A smile can mean so much to someone else believe me. A smile has the way of changing someone's day and can be just a little reminder that during this time there is still hope.


I hope you can use at least one of these things to show some kindness or help someone else through this difficult time. And just remember in this time we are all struggling in some way. Be kind friends.


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